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Season of Advent at The Parish, see details here ‣

Good Friday | The Wondrous Cross

Good Friday: what a strange and contradictory name. It’s a phrase that encapsulates the mystery of God’s kingdom. The way up is the way down. Glory comes in death. Evil’s greatest triumph is the moment of its own undoing. Our…

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The Lent Project | Day 43

Today's Lent Project devotional is by Ryan Stuart. Ryan and his wife, Jenny, are members of our Leadership Team. My wife, Jenny, and I have been blessed with three wonderful people to raise, all currently under the age of five. Our home…

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The Lent Project | Day 42

Today's Lent Project devotional is by Beth Nelson. She is a member of our Leadership Team and hosts the Alpharetta South Table Group along with her husband, Mike. The first Bible Mike and I got for our daughter is called The Jesus Storybook Bible, and…

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The Lent Project | Day 41

Today's Lent Project devotional is by Jonathan Shelton. He and his wife, Candi, are members of our Leadership Team and host the Alpharetta North Table Group. I love a good A/B comparison. I loved reading the verses from the Old Testament that longed for…

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The Lent Project | Day 37

Today's Lent Project devotional is by Candi Shelton. She and her husband, Jonathan, are members of our Leadership Team and host the Alpharetta North Table Group. If ever there was a piece of scripture to cause celebration, like SEC-football-type celebration,…

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The Lent Project | Day 36

A few weeks ago, during a quiet moment at my desk, I tried a little experiment. I went back through my iTunes library and dug up all my old worship music from when I was a teenager and in college.…

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The Lent Project | Day 35

Today's Lent Project devotional is by Christi Baker. She is a member of our Leadership Team and hosts the Dunwoody Table Group. I love the Psalms. They are the place where I feel most at home with God. Very raw…

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The Lent Project | Day 34

Today's Lent Project devotional is by Karen Houghton. She and her husband, Paul, are members of our Leadership Team. Sometimes life is really, really hard. We are all touched by sorrow, regret, and pain at some point. We will have…

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The Lent Project | Day 30

Today's Lent Project devotional is by Paul Houghton. Paul and his wife, Karen, are members of our Leadership Team.  "When a person can't find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure." - Viktor Frankl What do we humans do…

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The Lent Project | Day 29

Today's Lent Project devotional is by Brendan Trinkle. Brendan and his wife, Lindsay, are members of our Leadership Team and host the Midtown Table Group. Something I've picked up on in the Lent Project blogs so far is a shared…

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